Lately Keely has really wanted a Bratz doll; I don’t know where it came from – preschool, commercials, or just seeing them at the store – but she keeps asking for one and I keep telling her “no.” When she asked why I don’t like Bratz dolls I told her that I don’t like the message they send, and she of course asked, “What message?” I told her I don’t like how they dress, how much make-up they have on, and then I went on to explain what the word “brat” means which seemed to satisfy her – or so I thought. Later on in the week she was mad at me for I don’t remember what, but as she was stomping away she turned to me and passionately says, “Oh, and I LIKE Bratz dolls AND the message they send!”
That was April and Keely has very seldom mentioned Bratz since then, so I think we’re done with it, right? Wrong! This week we get a magazine in the mail called “Birthday Express.” It has a bunch of pages with different birthday themes like Cars, Transformers, Disney Princesses, etc. So I walk into the office where I have set down the mail and Keely has managed to find this magazine and is looking through it not missing a page. All the sudden she looks up at me and says, “Mom, I know how you feel about Bratz! I know you don’t like them but I just have to have a Bratz birthday and if you don’t like it you can just sit inside and eat cake!” Thanks Keels.
How old is this girl again? Here’s to the teen years!
Keely is sooo sharp! I'm amazed at the things she says. And I know how painful these episodes must be for you but wow, they sure are funny to hear about! -Jerusha
That is so freaking funny!!!!!! She sounds just like how I imagine Freya will be soon enough. She has been giving me terrible fits this past week. She has turned into a bit of a brat hersel.
That is too funny. I can't wait to hear all the stories when she is 15. Gotta love girls! :)
That's my Keely!! She always has a solution for everything.
I love all of your Keely stories...they are so hilarious! She seems super smart already, man are you going to be in major trouble as she gets older :-)
She knows how to push you...the mother/daughter power struggle at age three. My mom says it does get better at about 5, but then picks up again in those teen years. We'll have to send Keely and Maili to a summer camp or something together while we take a vacation.
That story made me laugh out loud. Watch out for her when she's older! Good luck! :)
She is so funny! She really would make you sit inside and eat cake, wouldn't she? Gotta love her though!
Ok, that is sooooo funny. Ever since Abby was like 21/2 everytime we walk by those dolls she says "mom we don't like those dolls right? They show their belly. That's embarrassing." Really great except when a teenage girl walks by in a short shirt and Abby is like yelling it across the store!
Today Abby said, "Mom we are never going back to Michigan and Keely is my best friend. Hmmm." in her little sass voice. Then she said, "we won't fight mom we are best friends." How do they manipulate so young!!
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