Friday, October 12, 2007

How Far is Heaven?

Okay, I have found the best candy bar in the whole wide world. Harry and David's Moose Munch. It has toffee pieces, almonds, cashews, and (the best part) caramel corn, all surrounded by the most heavenly chocolate you've ever tasted in your life. The great thing - you can get them at Target, they're just simply lying there surrounded by all the regular cheap candy bars! They are about $2 each, but worth every delicious cent. What happened to my "no sugar diet" you ask? Yeah, right.
So my friend Jana called the other day while I was at Target "picking up some milk." I had actually driven right past the regular grocery store just so I could pick up one of these delicious little babies. I told her about my find and she called me the next day at Target looking all over for them. She claims her Target (in Pittsburgh) doesn't have them, but I'd be shocked if they were exclusive to Ann Arbor Targets, I just don't think she knew what to look for. So here you go, picture and all. I strongly recommend this to anyone with taste buds. Enjoy!


Autumn said...

I'm so glad to hear that you haven't outgrown your love of chocolate treats! You make me laugh! I am going to check these out at Target next time I go!

Jana said...

I totally forgot about that crazy no sugar diet. Puh. lease. :)! THANK YOU so much for the candy bars. I got them today and inhaled one of them immediately. They really are that good! Bring some to NY for my stash. I am serious. . . we don't have them here. I have checked TWO Targets now. I am not lying!!! :)

Tanya said...

I haven't ever tasted one - why don't I know about these. They sound heavenly indeed! No thanks for sending one to me!!!! Guess what, Brian will be in NYC the day after you gals leave. He's taking some students to visit the I-banks.

EFN Newsletter said...

I'm glad we'll go weeks in between posts, and then when you find a good candy-bar, we hear all about it immediately.

Elizabeth said...

Just for your last comment, you owe me one of these delicious candy bars. I will be back from Kansas on Tuesday, so I'll expect it then! :) J/K

Aundrea said...

I'm gaining five pounds just thinking about it!

Aundrea said...

So, I just got done reading all your blogs. It really made me miss your wonderfully sarcastic yet totally genuine personality. I can't believe we let this much time go by without talking to eachother! I'm so glad we both have blogs now and can keep up on eachother's lives!

emily said...

Um, yum! If I had a Target (or a car) you know I would be there in 2 seconds to buy these chocolate bombs. They sound positively divine :-)